Ciara Darren is the creative pen under which I write epic and paranormal fantasy, the kind of fantasy that I want to read, such as Judith Tarr, Anne McCaffrey, and Kevin Hearne. There has also been an influx of Anne Rice on my reading list, both from her Vampire Chronicles and her erotica. While you will find many references in my posts to childhood fairytales,  I do not write fantasy for children. This is raw,  unapologetic storytelling that does not pretend romanticize or glaze over the crucible through which heroes and villains travel to become what they are. My stories are dark. While the characters always struggling towards triumph, love, freedom, or survival, the mud, blood, and tears run thick. My characters sweat, cry, curse, become abandoned, loose their faith, take walks on the dark side, and question the meaning of life. They also discover what loves looks like at the bottom of the pit, who will stay beside them, and how much more they have inside them than they could have imagined. They discover beauty that will not be destroyed.


10 Responses to

  1. judith says:

    Hi! I’d love to read Pegasus King as it comes highly recommended, but I can’t seem to locate anything besides the first chapter. Of course I’d be willing to pay for it.

  2. LFFL says:

    Look at you, Miss Ciara!! You look great!!

  3. Hi Ciara. Thanks for visiting and following my blog. Your blog looks interesting. I used to write fantasy when I first started, but gradually that has transformed into historical fiction with mild fantasy-esque elements.

    I still enjoy speculative fiction (mainly on TV shows and movies these days; I don’t have time for anymore door-stopper epic tomes), as it seems to be the genre that lends itself most easily to tackling issues modern-day issues of diversity, representation, and social justice. Not that it always does, but the potential is there, and discussions around these topics always catch my eye.

    • Ciara Darren says:

      Hit the nail on the head. Speculative fiction has such a large capacity to tackle modern-day issues. I think that’s one of the main reasons I’m attracted to it. Hope you come back and possibly contribute to the discussion here. Always looking for another viewpoint. I don’t want to be thinking in a bubble and everyone here helps me stay open and articulate. Thanks!

  4. mobewan says:

    Hi! Just read your genres post – couldn’t agree more. My current WIP is a ‘mash up’ of genres and I’ve recently started worrying about where I would place it. Something to put aside until it has a stringer voice, but your post certainly has me thinking (damn you, it hurts! ;-)). Keep up the great posts, and remember ‘Just write!’.

  5. kookiekrysp says:

    Thanks for the follow! I like your blog, and I sent you a friend request on Goodreads! 🙂

  6. Pingback: 11 Random Facts, Questions Answered and Nominees Equals… | one writer, many heads

  7. bejamin4 says:

    Good luck on your writing journey. Loved your post on the fantasy genre.

  8. I’d like to nominate you for a Liebster Award. More information here

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